Why is anything that is so called good for you so damn expensive? I usually eat white rice. I buy a ton of it for just a few dollars. So my doctor tells me i may have borderline diabeticalness... you know what I'm talkin bout. For you old black folks, I'm talking bout Sugar! She gives me some of her tree hugging suggestions on what to eat and what not to eat and what to go easy on. One of her suggestions was whole grain brown rice. I think to myself, Yuck its going to taste like brown shit but anything to try to stay healthy and avoid poking myself with needles. I hate needles so much now i won't give blood. Besides i like my feet and with Diabetes if your not careful they can take one or a piece of one. I tried it to see what I would look like and it's not a good look! Not with me tryna date right now.

I get to the store and i can't find it. I'm your typical guy so i look everywhere twice before asking for help. They take me right back to where i was standing before. over where all the other rice is and low and behold, there it is! On the bottom shelf there two spots for it. One for the expensive and the other was the really expensive. Both bags are so tiny i can hold them with the tips of my fingers. I guess i need to cut down my portions anyway. Why is man so greedy?! This is the same shit that they bleach and turn white. Its uncalled for. It should be cheaper since all they have to do is put it in a Mutha Fuckin bag. Let me calm the hell down, I'm getting mad again. I don't need to get my blood pressure up.
Side thought: My friend once told me he had HBP (High Blood Pressure) at the time i thought why the hell is he telling me this i didn't sleep with him. But i am a good friend so i was there to listen and give a shoulder to lean on. I asked who'd you get it from? I'm so damn stupid sometimes, i thought he was saying he caught something from laying up with some nasty but woman. He explained what it stood for and I told him don't be using Acronyms with me. My brain doesn't work like that. Too funny!
Later in the week I'm on a roll eating healthy and working out. So i decided to give the brown rice a try. Well let me tell you folks. Either I'm old and stuck in my ways or white folks got some bad as taste buds. I'm talking taste buds that can make bark taste like bake goods. Taste buds that can make sewer water taste like aged wine. I tried eating more and more hoping i would get used to it. Not a chance. The last bite i took tasted like bird feed! Yuck, I felt like a gerbil. I'll have to give something else up because i ain't eating that again.
Side thought: My friend once told me he had HBP (High Blood Pressure) at the time i thought why the hell is he telling me this i didn't sleep with him. But i am a good friend so i was there to listen and give a shoulder to lean on. I asked who'd you get it from? I'm so damn stupid sometimes, i thought he was saying he caught something from laying up with some nasty but woman. He explained what it stood for and I told him don't be using Acronyms with me. My brain doesn't work like that. Too funny!
Later in the week I'm on a roll eating healthy and working out. So i decided to give the brown rice a try. Well let me tell you folks. Either I'm old and stuck in my ways or white folks got some bad as taste buds. I'm talking taste buds that can make bark taste like bake goods. Taste buds that can make sewer water taste like aged wine. I tried eating more and more hoping i would get used to it. Not a chance. The last bite i took tasted like bird feed! Yuck, I felt like a gerbil. I'll have to give something else up because i ain't eating that again.
I say all that to say this. If your family has a history of Diabetes or High Blood Pressure or both please be careful and treat your body right going forward. Little changes can make a huge difference in your health and quality of life in later years. So start young. Get of the couch and get movin. Even if you don't have a family history of these conditions your are not excluded from developing them. So be good to yourselves. I wish i had started sooner. But its never too late to changes your ways.