Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope yours was filled with love and family.
Here is a Thanksgiving day laugh! I just love Roger the alien!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Give it up, turn it loose
I have been single for a year now. And for good reason as you'll see. Here is an example of how Crazy Psycho And Fucked Up this Negro can be. So apparently i still don't know how to let go and move on properly. My Ex and i still talk almost daily. Last Thursday i talk to him in the am and he was doing just fine. Life was good and he had is whole day planned out.
Later in the day i got some bad news so i called him to talk it out. you know, bounce my woes off of someone that knows me. As soon as this Mo Fo says hello i can hear the Attitude I think to myself ,damn he got caller ID and its too late to hang up. I'm screwed and not in the special way people like to be screwed!
Me: what was wrong?
This Fool: NOTHIN!
I leave it at that and asked: what cha doing?
This Fool: PACKIN! (tone all hard and nasty)
Me: packin?....oh. ok. Where you going?
Trying my hardest not to get sucked in and Looking for my exit
Me: Well i can call you later
This Fool: GOOD BYE! (tone all hard and nasty)

I Hang up my cell up hard even though it had no effect. But damn it, in my mind he hard a click that could have busted out an eardrum. I think to myself why do i keep talking to this crazy mutha. Then i remember that i don't have to talk to him. i don't have to care about nothing he is going through.
Over the next few days i talked my self outta calling him numerous times. I was really proud of myself because i didn't call once. Usually i give in after a few hours.
Monday afternoon i get a Text that reads : We r stuck in Vegas
I call immediately pissed and asking why are you even down there! of course he can't believe I'm asking him such a question.

Aggrrhhh Crazy people get on my nerves. when your crazy do you know your crazy? I might be nuts myself. If so i'd be wearning a cute little number like this one.

Anyway back to the story.....
Let me put this in context for you he has custody of his niece and nephew. He has no business in Vegas when the baby has to be in school! Already missed too much school due to his crazy antics. Now it's Wednesday and they still ain't back! they are on the way back but that ain't good enough. yes I'm yelling, i done got all pissed again. But this is helping me feel a little better.
I just had to get that out. I know i should let that mess go but i love them babies and his dumb ass too that its hard sometimes.
Happy Thanksgiving people!
Later in the day i got some bad news so i called him to talk it out. you know, bounce my woes off of someone that knows me. As soon as this Mo Fo says hello i can hear the Attitude I think to myself ,damn he got caller ID and its too late to hang up. I'm screwed and not in the special way people like to be screwed!
Me: what was wrong?
This Fool: NOTHIN!
I leave it at that and asked: what cha doing?
This Fool: PACKIN! (tone all hard and nasty)
Me: packin?....oh. ok. Where you going?
Trying my hardest not to get sucked in and Looking for my exit
Me: Well i can call you later
This Fool: GOOD BYE! (tone all hard and nasty)

I Hang up my cell up hard even though it had no effect. But damn it, in my mind he hard a click that could have busted out an eardrum. I think to myself why do i keep talking to this crazy mutha. Then i remember that i don't have to talk to him. i don't have to care about nothing he is going through.
Over the next few days i talked my self outta calling him numerous times. I was really proud of myself because i didn't call once. Usually i give in after a few hours.
Monday afternoon i get a Text that reads : We r stuck in Vegas
I call immediately pissed and asking why are you even down there! of course he can't believe I'm asking him such a question.

Aggrrhhh Crazy people get on my nerves. when your crazy do you know your crazy? I might be nuts myself. If so i'd be wearning a cute little number like this one.

Anyway back to the story.....
Let me put this in context for you he has custody of his niece and nephew. He has no business in Vegas when the baby has to be in school! Already missed too much school due to his crazy antics. Now it's Wednesday and they still ain't back! they are on the way back but that ain't good enough. yes I'm yelling, i done got all pissed again. But this is helping me feel a little better.
I just had to get that out. I know i should let that mess go but i love them babies and his dumb ass too that its hard sometimes.
Happy Thanksgiving people!
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Weekend
This weekend was cool. Friday night i was being a big baby. I checked my emails and I didn't feel good so i just laid around til i feel fast asleep.
Saturday, I woke up and grabbed the remote. It slipped and landed on the bottom of my TV shelf. OMG! There was so much dust down there i had no choice but to clean it up and continue from there. It took my two hours to dust everything. I kept see those Dusting commercials.
You know that ones where they talk about all the crap that's in dust like Dust mites. Yuck! I felt much better after that.
At 1 pm my brother called me talked about he bought too much stuff and needing a ride home from the store. I thought what harm could that be? I get to the store and these mo fo's ain't even shopped yet! WTF! And on top of that His girlfriend ask me to return something for her! Something about her ID being expired or some BS! Sounds Suspect to me so my response was the usual "oh, Hell Naw"! Do you know i waited for more than an hour for them to do there shopping! ain't that a mess? I hate selfish people! This week i ain't being nice. Stuck your hand in my face asking for something if you want to and it might get bit off. I got home in time enought to lay my ass down again and rest before my party i had to attend.
At 6pm My good friend at work had her birthday party at El Indio's. A local Mexican Restaurant. They are known for good drinks and decent food. Along with me to the party i brought another friend from work. We had planned to see this foreign film on Friday but i wasn't feeling good like i said. So we planned on going after this party. Now mind you, I don't drink but i had a snake bite so i was in no mood for reading subtitle and hearing people talk funny. But i didn't want to Flake out again on him. So i went fully expecting to have to sit through a movie that i wouldn't like or understand or connect with. Instead it happened to be one the best films i have seen in a long long time. If you get a chance and its playing in your area you should check it out. It's called "Let the Right One In". Its a vampire flick. But don't go expecting to be scared because its so much more than that.
Peace and Love, Have a good week everybody!
Saturday, I woke up and grabbed the remote. It slipped and landed on the bottom of my TV shelf. OMG! There was so much dust down there i had no choice but to clean it up and continue from there. It took my two hours to dust everything. I kept see those Dusting commercials.
You know that ones where they talk about all the crap that's in dust like Dust mites. Yuck! I felt much better after that.
At 1 pm my brother called me talked about he bought too much stuff and needing a ride home from the store. I thought what harm could that be? I get to the store and these mo fo's ain't even shopped yet! WTF! And on top of that His girlfriend ask me to return something for her! Something about her ID being expired or some BS! Sounds Suspect to me so my response was the usual "oh, Hell Naw"! Do you know i waited for more than an hour for them to do there shopping! ain't that a mess? I hate selfish people! This week i ain't being nice. Stuck your hand in my face asking for something if you want to and it might get bit off. I got home in time enought to lay my ass down again and rest before my party i had to attend.
At 6pm My good friend at work had her birthday party at El Indio's. A local Mexican Restaurant. They are known for good drinks and decent food. Along with me to the party i brought another friend from work. We had planned to see this foreign film on Friday but i wasn't feeling good like i said. So we planned on going after this party. Now mind you, I don't drink but i had a snake bite so i was in no mood for reading subtitle and hearing people talk funny. But i didn't want to Flake out again on him. So i went fully expecting to have to sit through a movie that i wouldn't like or understand or connect with. Instead it happened to be one the best films i have seen in a long long time. If you get a chance and its playing in your area you should check it out. It's called "Let the Right One In". Its a vampire flick. But don't go expecting to be scared because its so much more than that.
Peace and Love, Have a good week everybody!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Going, Going.... Gone.

We spend most of our adult lives searching for that special someone to spend it with. Then we without knowing it get caught up in what i like to call the Type Game. I don't have any answer as to why this is happens. But i have seen it a thousand times. I see it all around me and you have seen it too. I have even been guilty of doing it myself. I'm sure we all have. Here are the types.

Type One
This guy Works out 4 to six times a work. has a body to kill for. He makes sure to have the latest fashions. His type is someone equally attractive or more.. but never less. He has dating options up the ass but spends most of his time looking for the Mr. visually right.
His Type: NONE No one is ever good enough for him.
His Non-Type: Type one, two and three...No one is ever good enough for him.
Type Two
This Guy has average looks and doesn't really workout much if at all. He is not fat, he is just regular and He maybe very well dress or he may wears nice enough clothes to get by. He spends a great deal of his time and money chasing after type one. He has no idea that type one believes he is not in his same league.
His type: Type one
His Non-Type: Type Two and Three
Type Three
This guy can be ugly, old, fat. Some of them workout and some don't but all in all, they don't have a chance. He is constantly trying to be something he is not in hopes of snagging a type one or two. The body of type three consist of constant threes as well as type one and two's that give up maintaining their type status and float from type to type.
His Type: Type one and type two
His Non-Type: Type Three.
What the hell do know? i have spent most of my adult life in relationships. But it seems to me that during my short time as a single guy(1 year for you nosey bitches), guy are passing up some 10's waiting on the 12's. Now don't get me wrong, i don't think anyone should setting for less than the best. But Damn, I am just saying that best is not necessarily in a big biceps or in a six pack. It may be held within the man that opens that door for you or gives you that last chicken wing. It may be in the man that held your head when drank just a little bit too much. It may be in the man that is slightly balding but its hot on him. All of this perfection we desire will fade and then we are left with only the heart of man.
What type are you if any?
Now will y'all tell my bestfriend Acoustic Soul to shut the hell up I blogged!
Now will y'all tell my bestfriend Acoustic Soul to shut the hell up I blogged!
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