We spend most of our adult lives searching for that special someone to spend it with. Then we without knowing it get caught up in what i like to call the Type Game. I don't have any answer as to why this is happens. But i have seen it a thousand times. I see it all around me and you have seen it too. I have even been guilty of doing it myself. I'm sure we all have. Here are the types.

Type One
This guy Works out 4 to six times a work. has a body to kill for. He makes sure to have the latest fashions. His type is someone equally attractive or more.. but never less. He has dating options up the ass but spends most of his time looking for the Mr. visually right.
His Type: NONE No one is ever good enough for him.
His Non-Type: Type one, two and three...No one is ever good enough for him.
Type Two
This Guy has average looks and doesn't really workout much if at all. He is not fat, he is just regular and He maybe very well dress or he may wears nice enough clothes to get by. He spends a great deal of his time and money chasing after type one. He has no idea that type one believes he is not in his same league.
His type: Type one
His Non-Type: Type Two and Three
Type Three
This guy can be ugly, old, fat. Some of them workout and some don't but all in all, they don't have a chance. He is constantly trying to be something he is not in hopes of snagging a type one or two. The body of type three consist of constant threes as well as type one and two's that give up maintaining their type status and float from type to type.
His Type: Type one and type two
His Non-Type: Type Three.
What the hell do know? i have spent most of my adult life in relationships. But it seems to me that during my short time as a single guy(1 year for you nosey bitches), guy are passing up some 10's waiting on the 12's. Now don't get me wrong, i don't think anyone should setting for less than the best. But Damn, I am just saying that best is not necessarily in a big biceps or in a six pack. It may be held within the man that opens that door for you or gives you that last chicken wing. It may be in the man that held your head when drank just a little bit too much. It may be in the man that is slightly balding but its hot on him. All of this perfection we desire will fade and then we are left with only the heart of man.
What type are you if any?
Now will y'all tell my bestfriend Acoustic Soul to shut the hell up I blogged!